7 Reasons Why You Need Green IT

Green IT refers to the study and practice of using computers and IT resources efficiently and effectively with minimal, no impact, or even positive on the environment. The main purposes of Green IT are to reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product’s lifetime, and encourage proper recycling habits. I think Green IT is becoming a sustainable trend for various companies and organizations in the software development industry. Why? Here are seven reasons:

1. It saves a lot of money: We in the software development industry work with PCs the whole day. Also, PC power management software can help you save $20-60 dollars per PC per year. It can mean millions of dollars for large companies. For many organizations, this can mean a 5-15 percent reduction in overall organization-wide energy consumption.

2. It saves our next generations: Fifteen PCs can generate as much carbon emissions as a mid-size car each year. For large companies, a huge amount of carbon footprint is emitted every year and causes a lot of damage to the environment. Implementing an effective PC power management program in your enterprise is the best way to save the environment, save the planet, and protect our next generations.

3. Everything dies quickly: The technology refresh cycle is fast, these devices quickly become obsolete, and we dispose of old devices and replace them with new ones. Where do disposed devices go? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that only 18 percent of electronic waste was collected for recycling in 2007 while 82 percent, or 1.84 million tons, was disposed of, primarily, in landfills. Therefore, it would be great to create computers or other electronic devices with more environmentally-friendly and recyclable materials.

4. Inspire employees: « People like to work for companies they can be proud of, so being seen as a socially responsible organization is certainly a factor in attracting and retaining top talent, » says Alec Bruce, eco-solutions champion, Hitachi Data Systems UK. Your employees would be proud working in a company that does its part for the environment. Moreover, they will be happier when realizing that they can save the environment themself, by using environmentally-friendly products in your organization.

5. Attract and retain customers: According to the report from Verdiem’s current customers, enterprises can cut PC carbon emissions by as much as 440 pounds per year per PC. For large enterprises and even software development companies, this can literally mean savings in thousands of tons of carbon each year, simply by managing PC power consumption. Is this an attractive thing your company could do for the environment?

6. The fear of energy lack: Energy consumption in data centers comes mainly from two loads: servers and cooling. The number of servers is increasing to meet the growing demands of businesses. As a result, data centers are increasingly becoming larger and more power-hungry. Subodh Bapat, Sun’s former green guru, estimates that by 2020 there will be data centers that consume 50 megawatts and take up 500,000 square feet. Then power could soon become a life-or-death matter. Therefore, building energy-efficient servers, that consume less energy also throw off less heat, requiring less energy for cooling, is an essential need.

7. Reduce risk in the future: the US predicts global energy demand to grow by 50% by 2030. Therefore, energy prices will arise unexpectedly. By reducing the amount of power consumption to run your business, you’ll mitigate risks from factors that well out of your control.

Written by Nhan Nguyen
For Elinext Group
