Custom CRM Optimization is a Must for Your Business

Customer attraction, satisfaction and retention are business critical. Therefore, the value of CRM or Customer Relationship Management software accelerates very fast. According to a recent release from Gartner (March 2013), CRM software will be the top priority for additional spending on enterprise applications around the world in 2013 and 2014. (ERP solutions along with office and personal productivity tools come second and third respectively.)

Customer Relationship Management software is more than mere tracking of ongoing sales leads and running marketing campaigns. It is about helping you develop more meaningful, long-lasting relationships with your customers. High quality customer experience management solutions help gain a 360-degree view of consumer interactions and make informed decisions. Therefore, a robust CRM system can dramatically increase growth within your organization.

But how to make the right choice between a custom CRM system and mass CRM solutions that exist on the market? It’s very clear that for those who are tired of over-complicated and over-priced CRM software, a custom solution would be the right choice. Take a look at the following three great reasons why choosing a custom CRM system is often better than opting for an out-of-the-box solution:

1. Appropriate level of customization. The greatest challenge of CRM implementation is to automate, arrange, and synchronize processes within your particular organization. Therefore, your CRM software should fit your specific business needs, but not the other way around. A CRM system, customized to match your special logic and workflows, streamlines everything your business needs to succeed.

2. Easier to use. Your CRM software should encompass all critical facets of interaction with your customers. In a standardized CRM system, used by millions, you might get complex interfaces that you don’t really need. Why should you bother when key functionality is hidden under tabs that don’t make sense to you? Your CRM system should be organized the same way you organize your work. Having your processes streamlined with a high-quality custom CRM, you get an intuitive, easy to use and flexible solution.

3. Cost reduction. Mass-market CRM solutions often turn out to be very costly due to license fees, monthly payments per user, etc. No more craze around extreme prices and high charges! Pay for what you really need. With custom CRM software you have complete control over your spending. This helps concentrate more on engaging with your customers, rather than paying bills for using software.

A custom CRM system is the very tool that can make you stand out from competitors using out-of-the-box software. With a solution, tailored to your specific needs, you will never be locked into someone else’s idea of how sales, marketing and support should work! It’s time that you manage your relations with customers YOUR way!

Industries and Technology Areas

Industries: Marketing, Sales, Information Technology

Technology Areas: CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, custom software development
