Near field communication technology, briefly NFC technology, is based on special chips that operate wirelessly and allow transfer information of various types between two devices – just hold them next to each other and get the necessary data into your phone – isn’t it great! Thus, NFC helps us resolve everyday tasks faster and easier than we have got used to. As a result, the number of NFC enabled devices is growing. And that is where Samsung, being a giant on the international market of phones, noticed an obvious strength of the innovation and a few years ago decided to use it actively in promotional campaigns of new products proving that the technology is the future of rapidly developing mobile marketing and mobile payments.
In-built NFC technology has made Samsung phones unique at once and undoubtedly more captivating for mass market since their campaigns became more attractive, much more involving and memorable and keeping in positive mood. Let’s explore the ways Samsung promote itself with NFC.
Mobile payment apps – Samsung Pay
NFC technology helped Samsung bring on the market of mobile payment systems a worthy opponent for Google wallet. Thanks to the opportunities of near field communication technology Samsung mobile payment « Samsung Pay » became almost an ideal development in this field. At least because it does not require any complicated upgrade and is completely secure. As it said – « one can get to this app with just a swipe up from the bezel of one’s handset and a bit of fingerprint recognition ». Thus, Samsung has brought value add to itself having presented its buyers a compatible mobile wallet. Here it is when your Smartphone is able to replace easily credit cards and cash payments.
Mobile application development – Samsung TecTile application
Being on the wave of Android mobile application development and feeling the influence of near field communication Samsung created NFC TecTile application for Android admirers. This app lets people program their phones to complete everyday actions and to implement in life interesting things simply by tapping NFC stickers. For instance, there is no problem to set an alarm, to save somebody’s contacts, to turn one’s phone to a certain mode, etc. What’s more, working under such apps Samsung works both with consumer market and business sector (there is no doubt that not only individuals make use of Tec Tile app, so do commercial entities that could stick a TecTile on the door of the office, for example, and let people get to their web-site with the help of NFC sticker without any by-movements).
Interactive advertising campaigns
Being very successful in adopting NFC features, Samsung started to use all the opportunities this technology provides it with in its advertising and promotional campaigns. The brand used NFC technology inside a bus stop billboard and motivated people to tap its stickers to download various types of cool multimedia content.
Arguably, this is one of the brightest examples of how the company implemented interactive features of NFC technology to catch its customers’ attention and, what is more important, to involve them into absolutely unique opportunities for Samsung devices. Just one touch and you get the content into the phone for free.
Thus, having placed billboards in high-traffic city zones (bus stops, market malls, airports, cinema halls, etc) where people have plenty of time to examine ads and everything what is happening around, Samsung marketers reached during the campaign unbelievable results. All the posters on billboards had the following image: stylish people held Galaxy SIII (it was the period of its launch on the market) with an NFC chip inside of it. So it was enough to put one’s phone of the same model against the poster and there was an opportunity to get good content in seconds. As a result, promoting in such a way Galaxy SIII Samsung outsold the iPhone and as it was said managed to enlarge engagement three times higher than it had been planned, got 1,4 million impressions and approximately 90 thousand interactions.
As we can see NFC technology became an effective development and marketing tool for Samsung to remind people that the company is keeping up with the times, has all the perspectives to set the trends, and works fully to satisfy its customers’ needs.
Industries: retail
Technology Areas: mobile application development, iOS, Android, NFC technology